A summary of what Jimmy Swaggart teaches about the cross of Jesus Christ is found in his article entitled, well, “The Message Of The Cross” on his website. It is this teaching article we will now look into, as well as other sources of his teaching on the subject that I will refer from which he has written. His basic positions on the cross which have become the focal point of his work are most clearly seen here. A casual review of copies of his Evangelist magazine are article length reiterations of this same position. You can find the rest of this well researched article by Rev. Rafael Martinez HERE
John says
The swaggart teaching is dangerous, mainly because it is so close to the truth. Very informative article. The cross of course bears witness with Christians because the cross is central and correct. But not as Jimmy Swaggart teaches, he presents and instrument of control and appeasement to sin. The cross is a instrument of liberation from sin and death to sin.
AW says
Sorry, but JSM is only speaking the truth. That one can only find true victory in the cross of the LORD Jesus. They never use that as an appeasment to sin, but on the contrary teach that this is the answer to overcoming sin. God Bless.
John says
You need to open your ears brother. Why don’t you do some research on ” the finished work doctrine” . Jimmy is preaching a recycled version of that, it split the early Pentecostal church and eventually faded out. It ran a course through the Assemblies of God and then lost steam, this is probably why Jimmy has come to the conclusions he came to, he no doubt must have heard this doctrine growing up in the AG. The AG and the Church of God have always taught sanctification is brought about by faith. As this article said there are some differences in the two in the details but both agreed it was by faith in the purging blood of Christ. For Jimmy to constantly act as if he were the first since Paul to have this revelation that in itself should be enough for people to stop and examine. My friend JSM is a master of double speak, they speak victory out of one side of their mouth and they constantly talk about sin remaining in the believers life out of the other. They will say the ” message of the cross” is not new out of one side then Jimmy will blame the Assemblies of God for not giving him the right knowledge out of the other. I personally am not AG but I know many Godly AG ministers that lived a righteous life in Christ, the failure Jimmy had was Jimmy’s fault and of course God is willing to forgive and restore but JSM badly needs to stop ministering out of bitterness and hurt because it is defiling their ministry. Believe what you want my friend but I admonish you this day to see if you are truly on Gods word and not star struck with the words and personality of man.
beth says
i know this.. i know it was th blood that saved me, heals me, delivers me and sets me free..
i also know may faiths who teaches this inspite of ‘how” jsm want to label it or say it.. It isnt a new revelation and it isnt their idea. I also know that if we work the word , the word works. I was and continue to be healed because I know the word is alive, living, active, operative , energizing and effective.. I never hear the “full’ gospel” with equal teaching given to “all of it except for the Baptisim in the Holy Ghost ( which I agree to) and salvation. Im so greatful to be saved and healed but there is a thing called disipleship and I dont hear teachings on that…I left the Baptist church because all I hear was the salvation message.. But once your congregation is saved where do I go from here? needs to be addressed.. SERIOUSLY.!! I like JSM.. but,,,,,,,,,,, room for improvement. As fir music? I prefer Vicki Yohi, the Tripp Family and Bill Gaither. Don Meon and Paul Wilbur.
joP says
Wrong. You are supposed to hear salvation everytime. Where do you go after that? NO WHERE. There is no where to go after salvation. Without salvation there is no where to go. Your walk with Christ is serving because of SALVATION. We forgive others because we have been forgiven through SALVATION. We look for Christ’s return because of SALVATION. Every day of our lives and everything we do is because of SALVATION. You need to reexamine your heart if you are looking for something else beyond salvation. There is nothing else. Our salvation through Christ is everything!
Elder Debra Williams says
First of all, God is just and merciful to forgive ALL sins, talking against pastors, that is one of the sins the Lord is not pleased with, pray for them, if the word is working in your life what is preached, then it is worth listening to, how can a preacher preach unless he/she is sent, we do not have many good ministers of the faith as we did long ago, everyone seems to go along withe the emerging false preaching of Rick Warren, Joseph Prince and Joel Olsteen that doesn’t even preach against sin, if Jimmy Swaggart is speaking the truth it’s worth listening to, read the word for yourself, and ask the holy spirit to guide you, instead of slandering preachers take a inventory of yourselves, I agree with Jimmy Swaggart, he does speak against sin and tells the truth, I would rather have my soul deliver with truth then a lie!
Daniel Ortega says
I was brought up Pentecostal and in my 50’s now and I do not agree with the Rick Warren’s nor the Joel Osteen’s of this world nor do I follow them. They teach that everything from the past was wrong and their way is right. The new way. Some of the past was wrong but a lot of it was right and shouldn’t be discarded. Pastor Swaggart came up with the Cross thing just to bail himself out of the sin he was in. He obviously has some holes in his walk with the Lord. We are saved by grace however, if we don’t do the things were are supposed to do daily such as pray, fast, read the word, reach out to our neighbor’s and love one another, it isn’t long before we fall into temptation and eventually fall into sin. It isn’t the cross, blood or church that we worship daily it is Jesus Christ. We must have a true relationship with him daily and nothing else. The word has told us what we need to do for quite a long while now and it is time for people like Pastor Swaggart to quit acting like they have a special pipeline to the Lord and do what they are supposed to do. Humble themselves and pray. God Bless !
Elder Debra Williams says
First of all, God is just and merciful to forgive ALL sins, talking against pastors, that is one of the sins the Lord is not pleased with, pray for them, if the word is working in your life what is preached, then it is worth listening to, how can a preacher preach unless he/she is sent, we do not have many good ministers of the faith as we did long ago, everyone seems to go along withe the emerging false preaching of Rick Warren, Joseph Prince and Joel Olsteen that doesn’t even preach against sin, if Jimmy Swaggart is speaking the truth it’s worth listening to, read the word for yourself, and ask the holy spirit to guide you, instead of slandering preachers take a inventory of yourselves, I agree with Jimmy Swaggart, he does speak against sin and tells the truth, I would rather have my soul deliver with truth then a lie!
angel diaz says
John, explain the difference, if any, between the AOG’s Finished Work Doctrine and Jesus’ own words, “It is Finished.”
joP says
No one lives a righteous life in Christ. Scripture is clear there is NONE righteous…no not one and our good works are as filthy rags. You do not live a righteous life, Christ is our righteousness.
BK says
Not everything he says is the truth.There are Christian Country singers,actors,etc.Yet Swaggart says if people do these things they are not Christian.
I love country,and I am a Christian.
Biff says
Jimmy Swaggart is right on in the message of the cross.
I know because Ive been teaching it for 35+ years.
Mishel says
There are problems with the message as preached by Jimmy Swaggart and he seems to be straying further and further into dominionism and antinomianism. Another concern is the fact that he does not LIVE the message. I am not talking about what happened in the 80’s I am talking about TODAY.
Jo Ann says
Hi Mishel ,I was reading your post because I have a brother and a cousin who goes to JSM and its as though they are programed to obey Jimmy Swaggert and Donnie .They listen to them on TV constantly and when traveling they listen to them on the radio they have DVD’s bibles etc .its like a Cult following ,the gospel according to Jimmy and Donnie Swaggert .And I wanted to ask you when you mentioned what they’re doing today ! Would you mind giving some details ? Because its really like mind control over JSM’s followers . Thanks 🙂
Travis says
Get over it, its the same with Kenneth Copeland, keneth hagin Sr. And Jr., oral Roberts, billy grahm. I could have a list a mile long. O I have 4 Hagin books, I must be hagin brainwashed. Wait I also have cassettes C.D.s dvd s by jerry Falwell and some by c.s.Lewis. o my just b btainwshed. Lol you all need to get over yourselfs and give it to God. If JSM was or is so bad. God defently would not b blessing them.. wait one more, I have read the book of Acts, life of Paul, inspired by God. So is God brainwashing me???
BK says
Billy Graham does not judge.Jimmy Swaggart does.It’s as simple as that.
It’s your right not to follw Billy if you choose,but I believe in Billy & Franklin Graham,and I believe they are of god.
BK says
Billy Graham also does not take the biggest part of air time begging for money like Swaggart does.If you will notice,on the majority of his TV specials over the years,he or Franklin have taken only a minute to ask for funds.Unlike the Swaggarts,who beg and beg for money.
Plus,as I said earlier,one time someone told me they knew someone who wrote to Billy to ask for the book they were offering,but the person said they had no money.Billy & his team sent the person the book anyway,free of charge.
In my book,those two items,plus the fact Billy does not play god and judge make Billy Graham and Franklin Graham men of God.JMO.
Leo says
Jo Ann; Gets annoying doesn’t it.
angel diaz says
Mishel, it seems you don’t know the meaning of “dominionism” or you are not familiar with JW stand on it. He is against this false doctrine of the faith movement. And as far as “antinominism” JS makes no light of sin. You are confused or uninformed!
Rene Lizcano says
Why place all faith and emphasis on a plank of wood that is already rotted out somewhere in the dusty ground at Calvary. Look upon the person of Jesus, preach Jesus, teach Jesus, love Jesus, worship Jesus. I cannot help but wonder if this emphasis on the cross is heading toward some new cult and the person of Jesus Christ is being totally ignored. to keep lifting up the cross this ministry is in the same sphere of the Roman Church. News flash!!! Jesus is alive and no longer nailed to the cross. Let us worship the Creator and not an object which no longer exists. I can only cherish the old rugged cross because of what Jesus did on it for me but the cross did not save me.
Bill says
Kimberlee says
Friend, Jimmy Swaggart is teaching about what JESUS did on the cross, His death, burial and ressurection. Jimmy Swaggart is not teaching about a wooden cross…but what JESUS accomplished on the cross. I pray that those of us who truly seek the truth of the Gospel find it, peace, love and blessings.
angel diaz says
“For the preaching [word] of the Cross is foolishness unto them that perish, but unto us who are saved it is the Power of God.” The word “cross” is a symbol for what God accomplished at Calvary, the Finished Work of Calvary! Jesus said, “It is finished.” Paul said, “For I determined not to know anything but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” One must preach Jesus [His Person] and His Work [of the Cross].
angel diaz says
Rene Lizcano, you are half right. We are commanded not only to preach Jesus [the Person] but His Work or Ministry [the Cross]. This is the essence of the Gospel, “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.” Paul said that the Gospel is that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried and arose bodily in three days.
Lucy says
I agree, that it troubles me that the emphasis is put on the cross. The cross didn’t do anything, Jesus Christ did. We are not to worship the cross but the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. Jesus Christ is being left out of a lot of things in a lot of ministries. The cross is simply a symbol of the act of sacrifice made by Jesus Christ. I’m not putting anyone down, nor condemning, as God himself will give the final judgement.
angel diaz says
You just gave the meaning of the symbol of the word “cross.” This is exactly what Swaggart says and all the biblical passages where Paul used the word cross or a derivitave of it as “crucified,” etc. Then why implied as if Swaggart is meaning something else? Why be so unfair and dishonest?
anom says
amen !
T. Heim says
It’s interesting that you claim to have been teaching Jimmy Swaggart’s “message of the cross” for 35 years, as Jimmy claims his teaching was “given to him” in 1995-96, and he is supposed to be leading the entire church world into the revelation of the cross that was “given to” the Apostle Paul, but not well-understood!
Leo says
The doctrine of Christ and Him crucified doesn’t belong to swaggart. Never did and never will. It’s a free gift from the living God. This message was given centuries ago to the prophets.
Sandi says
How can “The Message of The Cross” be a new revelation as Jimmy said? Jimmy had to reinvent himself after his fall in the 1980’s so he could keep his “Money Making Dynasty Business” up for Donnie and Gabriel’s future! I’d like to know why it is so important for us to have to say “The Message of The Cross?” Could it be because this is how JSM gets everyone to buy all Jimmy’s books and commentaries? Whatever happened to the old time way of just leaving your burdens at the foot of the cross and let Jesus wash all your sins away? If someone truly repents and leaves all their burdens and bondages with Jesus then we should expect Jesus to sanctify our fleshly heart. The Bible is really the only book that a Christian needs! If read from Genesis to Revelation asking God for discernment it’s easy to see that God is showing all his children the way to the cross. It’s only obvious that the JSM diehards are always going to let this ministry think for them instead of searching the scriptures for themselves. God tells us to study and learn the scriptures for ourselves. Jimmy Swaggart is not my God and so I’m going to say it again “How can The Message of the Cross be a new revelation from God?” What makes his new revelation so different from his old crusade teachings? A revelation means to show someone something, so how could the cross pertaining to sanctification have been revealed to Jimmy when millions of people around the world have known about what Jimmy teaches as far back as the 1st Jewish Church in Jerusalem? God never intended for his children to be confused and Jimmy has caused a lot of confusion amongst Christians especially the babes in Christ or the ones who don’t have the gift of discernment. America has fallen under God’s Judgement and it’s not because of the wicked people and sinners. Judgement is falling upon America because of all these false ministers who use the pulpits for their own personal gain. God help America!
Jan says
If it’s new, it’s not true…….if it’s true, it’s not new!!!
Eugene says
Amen! The holy spirit is our teacher, not the expositor bible. Does not God’s word clearly, tells us,if we except our reward here, there is no reward in heaven!! There is nothing given free, from swaggerts. Yet God says ,I give you the water of life freely!!
Leo says
When one is deceived, they don’t know they are decieved. I’m an old man who looked to be rescued from the law for 40 years. All I heard was ” Christ did it all at the cross, it’s not about my performance but Christ perfect performance.”
I never heard that in all my life, from any preacher. I heard it not from swaggart, but a small church. No matter where you hear it, are you desperate enough to believe it. I was, and still am!
Seems to me that no one really fully understands what ” the flesh” is. Swaggart kind of gets it, but trails off. The definition is right in the lexicon. Forest Gump would understand it. Paul states that when I do good, evil is present within me.
Look it up in the Greek lexicon. Easy to understand if your willing to admit that the flesh is not subject to the law, nor can it be. Romans 8.
I’m not a rocket scientist. I have came to the realization strictly by the power of Holy Spirit I need rescued from my self. I can’t do that, and neither can anyone else. I’m a sinner when I get up every morning and still need the cleansing blood of Jesus every morning just as much. That’s the cross my friends.
Seems to me that most are on the path of improvement through Christ. Maybe someday you will have most of the sin cleaned out. Then you won’t need the shed blood of the lamb. You can go around telling everyone how great you are. By then, you won’t even need to believe. Won’t that be grand! You have achieved near perfection ready to present yourselves to the living God on Judgement Day.
Repent, come back to the cross!
Leo says
No! Jimmy is not right on. Take a look at the expositor bible. Romans 6:1 and 2.
You can’t seriously think his commentary is correct? Licence to sin?? This verse has nothing to do with acts of sin G264. These scriptures are specifically pointing to the sin nature G266 with the definite artical proceeding it. Read through to verse 7. He who is dead is free from sin . “The sin” in the Greek. The sin nature drives one to work law to attain their own righteousness. Acts of sinning is on us. That is why we are baptized into the death of Christ. Read Romans 7 please. The woman is our soul. Doesn’t scripture state we who believe are Christ bride? Of course it does.
I don’t follow swaggart. In fact I have had conversations with Larson and Cornel. They both acted like I was gum stuck to the bottom of their shoe. They know the swaggart bible is in error. Even with this being said to them, they are not going to revise the commentary in future editions. What does that tell you.
You don’t need swaggart ministries! You need the the Holy Spirit just as I do. Doesn’t scripture state that the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth?
I use to love instant tapioca. Not any more!
Biff says
What is THE WORD OF GOD saying?????
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Mishel says
We know what the Word is saying- we are not arguing with the Word. Why must you assume that because one does not agree with the message as preached by Jimmy Swaggart one is rejecting the Word? Do you see where you are elevating a man to be equal with scripture? Why are you unwilling to research this ministry? If you refuse to then you are participating in your own deception. If you do not care then you are worshiping a man and not the Lord. I worked there and I have been contacted by scores of former employees, all with stories that I pray someday will be revealed. Most are too afraid to come forward, some are still hurting even ten and twenty years later.
Daril says
mishel people like you are the ones who hate sound doctrine because it brings conviction and you cant stand it why because it and I just read your garbage about the gifts of the spirit are not for the believer but for the body of Christ that makes no sense because they were meant for the believers not for the non believers and far as the message of the cross goes jesus said if any man or woman wants to come after me that he or she must deny themselves you don’t seem to realize that you probably attended there and got disgruntled and your on a mission to destroy a ministry that tells the truth.
John says
Beware of a cross that leaves you uncrucified. The true preaching of the cross is most definitely correct. However Jimmy Preaches an Ideology more than he really preached the cross. I say this with kindness but if you have been preaching the cross for 35 years then you should see through the shallow surface preaching of JSM. They present some truth but are quite erroneous in many of their assumptions. Such as their teaching that Satan Can override your will and force you to sin if you don’t understand the cross as Jimmy Preaches.
Leo says
That was good John. That’s like saying, the Devil made me do it. Haha.
If I’m not mistaken, isn’t the Devils primary goal removing our faith in The Christ? Uhhh,, I think so!!
Debbie says
Good word Biff. The Bible does have all the answers
Fred says
Biff you are correct by saying that when Paul preaches the cross he is preaching the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 10 the Holy Spirit says through Paul that we must confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Believe in our hearts that God raise Him from the dead and we will be saved). My faith is in the risen Christ and His finished work on the cross as in taking the sins of the entire creation thus giving we, the lost, a clear path to eternal life once we answer the call; and, that call can come many different ways. My friend heard it in prison and decided to answer it. However, JSM claims to have had a revelation from God and says we cannot be saved with out making the “Cross” central. He equates the “Cross” with “Christ” and says we have Faith in the Cross or Victory in the Cross when it is actually Victory and Faith in the risen Christ. I have one of JSM’s Bibles and he has gone through it and capitalized the word “Cross” thus making it a proper noun and changing Scripture. What if God had prophesied in Isaiah 53 that the Redeemer would have been stoned or hung with a rope; would we now be saying Victory in the rope? I believe JSM has twisted the Scripture and besides claiming new revelation is pretty close to heresy.
T. Heim says
Excellent! Thank you!
lisa turner says
hi im in england and am finding it very hard to purchase any of jimmy swaggarts music and books im wondering if anyone can help me please on websites that stock jimmy swaggarts distributions………… please help me
thank you
Mishel says
I have no idea- bet Terri Tracy does though- call the ministry is my advice.
BHB says
In the answer to how to order JSM products (music, books etc.) Go to jsm.org, order products page or sonlifebroadcasting.org/
Mishel says
She said she was in England though so that will not work- she will have to call the ministry.
Mark Miller says
You obviously have not read or listened to much of Swaggart’s writings and teachings to make such a erronious comment. Swaggart never teaches appeasement for sin. The finished work of Christ at the Cross, is the source for which sin is overcome by the believer for that is where sin was defeated. To read anything else intoit is either an oversight, or some underlying bias against the message or the messenger. Swaggart has said many times that this is not a new concept and it started with Apostle Paul, however a great percentage of the church has stopped teaching it or has added to it man made solutions for victory over sin. To those who want to bash the Swaggarts or call it a “cult” all I can say is, have fun with that if it makes you feel better about yourself.
T. Heim says
One of Swaggart’s hallmarks is “double-speak.” He’s a master at it! If you listen to him over time (and it doesn’t take much time), and compare what he writes, you will find contradictions continually! It’s so obvious that one can only conclude that he doesn’t actually know what he’s talking about! I could give you dozens of examples, alas time doesn’t permit. However, I recommend you check out this blog: www christiananswerman .com (I spaced out the website as to not trigger a moderation hold). Pastor Mark has done an excellent job exposing Swaggart’s false and misleading teaching both in written and spoken word!
Jasper Grady Bates says
I know of who Jimmy Swaggart is. What he has done and what he is teaching. I personally was hurt by a church and it’s members at an early age. Not a Pentecostal one , but it doesn’t really matter for me to make my point. I’m not interested in what Jimmy Swaggert says, or any evangelist, or preacher, or deacon, or father, or whatever they claim to be. I am only interested in that what they are teaching. That whatever that may be, that is in fact in the Word of God period. I do this by opening up the Word of God before I accept “their message”. And I can tell you The message of the cross which Jimmy teaches is scriptural. Meaning that which Jimmy is teaching can be found right there in the Word of God. And that Jimmy’s message that it is “the message of the cross” is where Christian’s receive blessings, gift’s, help, and direction from the Holy Spirit, and God are also true. Why don’t some of you take the time and examine the facts before you comment about a subject. Personally I could care less about Jimmy’s past. I am only concerned with what he is teaching now. And that he is teaching God’s Word as it reads from the pages of scripture. And in fact it does. So that ought to be enough for anyone. But if it’s not then I suggest you do as I do and examine the teaching your receiving with the Word of God, and stop with all the arguments, and casting stones like a bunch of carnal Christian’s.
Angel Diaz says
Amen Bates! Say it like it is!
T. Heim says
Jasper & Angel,
It’s ironic how offended Swaggart followers get when their “prophet” is criticized or called out in any way, YET appear to either completely ignore, or are not even aware of the constant, vicious attacks and criticism of other Godly ministers and ministries! They repeat time and time again that they believe their job is to “call out” anyone and everyone who is preaching what they consider to be false doctrine, which to them means ANY belief that doesn’t exactly line up with theirs! They are insufferably arrogant….AND ignorant, I must add!
mike says
Well Bill you obviously haven’t watched him or the ministry very often, If you had you would have heard him repeatedly say hes not talking about the wooden beams. But rather hes talking of Christs sacrifice and what He did on the cross. He may not be perfect and never put any preacher and I do mean any in front of the person of Jesus Christ. But to say hes speaking incorrectly, would mean the Apostle Paul is in error , because he spoke in the same manner of the cross.
Paul Summers says
Okay. I’m not here to bash Jimmy Swaggart nor his broadcasts. I have been watching and listening to them for some time and I agree with some of their preaching but I do have questions in regards to his teaching of the cross. I am a licensed/ordained minister and I know the word of God very well. I know that the preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish. I know that we must take up our cross, daily and follow after Christ. On and on I could go but my concern is, just like a lot of televangelists and T.V. preachers, has Jimmy Swaggart and his ministry changed the actual meaning of these scriptures?
We know that without the cross of Calvary Christ and His sacrifice would not exist. We know that we receive forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe in the cross of Jesus Christ. I believe that the message of the cross is all the way through the scriptures. I understand that the furniture in the Tabernacle was placed in the shape of what we have come to know as the cross. All the way through the scriptures we can see the cross but is that the self same cross that Jimmy Swaggart teaches and preaches? Is he preaching the cross so much that it takes our focus off Jesus Christ Himself and His sacrifice? Is there just enough truth in his message to confuse and confound even those who are seasoned veterans so to speak?
Like I said, I’m not bashing anyone for any reason but I have been having serious doubts in regards to some of their teachings and thoughts in regards to their message.
John says
For one Jimmy’s cross is one that seems to condone sin more than crucify sin.. It’s presented as some type of cure all. In short I believe your concerns are very valid and I believe he has absolutely changed the meaning of the scripture.
Angel says
John, it seems you do much assuming and allegations without no references, quotes or proof. Whatever you have claimed please back it up. For example, “Jimmy’s cross is one that seems to condone sin more than crucify sin.. It’s presented as some type of cure all.” All Christians are called to contend for the faith but mere accusations is not “contending.” Please provide evidence. If not, then your contentions are really accusations which is really sin!
T. Heim says
I recommend a blog written by a Pastor Mark. It’s called “christiananswerman” (just add the www. and .com, and you will have the web address – I put it like that to avoid “moderation delays.”) Pastor Mark has done an excellent job of meticulously going through Swaggart’s teachings, the “Expositor’s Study Bible,” etc. He uses primary sources, and he’s very detailed. He covers many topics concerning this ministry! I think you’ll find it very helpful!
God Bless,
T. Heim says
I recommend a blog written by a Pastor Mark. It’s called “christiananswerman” (just add the www. and .com, and you will have the web address – I put it like that to avoid “moderation delays.”) Pastor Mark has done an excellent job of meticulously going through Swaggart’s teachings, the “Expositor’s Study Bible,” etc. He uses primary sources, and he’s very detailed. He covers many topics concerning this ministry! I think you’ll find it very helpful!
God Bless,
Mishel says
Thank you for adding that
Karen says
Amen! Best comment of all! I would like to add if you find someone whom the Holy Spirit bares witness with your spirit they are speaking truth and also have the anointing of God, why would we listen to other ministries whereby we might be decieved? Decieved means just that dear Christians, they dont know they’re being decieved.
Sandra Kerhin says
My concerns about JSM or any ministry are as follows: This teaching ” Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved”; accept the Lord as your personal Saviour and now you’re “saved”.
Satan believes in Jesus too! But he’s definately not saved. Shall be saved is defined as ” going on to be saved” IF you continue in My Word. I am trying here not to jump around all over the place scripturally, o.k.? so please bear with me.
The book of Acts is ” the church in action” after the crucification and Jesus assending back into heaven. And Peter (the rock) was given the Keys to this Church when he preached. It is the true born again message or he was a liar. He told the people what they MUST do to be saved; this message is not being preached…………..why ? To me this is where there is true deception. To tell the masses to simply pray this prayer with them and there’s absolutely no repentence, I mean absolutely none? How many out there are still living with their boyfriend or girlfriend, having abortions and living a homosexual lifestyle and believing “I’m saved” because I “prayed The Prayer”? Who’s word do you want to believe? There are so many “voices” out there today twisting the scriptures to their own destruction. Peter was very clear and he commanded them to then be baptized. This was not multiple choice, it was a command. It wasn’t works either, it was being obedient. ” Why tarriest thou, arise and be baptized, calling on the name of the Lord” and you will also receive the Holy Spirit. How much clearer could Peter make it ? God bless you Mishel, and anyone who has ears to hear, eyes to see and speak the truth in love.
Brother john wolfe says
You are right on the message of our bible what Jesus Christ did on the cross the cross was a instrument
To kill jesus shed blood that did the work of our salvation my faith is in christ finished work.
I agree with what you said
God bless you
Lee says
[[[[ My concerns about JSM or any ministry are as follows: This teaching ” Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved”; accept the Lord as your personal Saviour and now you’re “saved”. Satan believes in Jesus too! But he’s definately not saved. ]]]]
You’re a oneness Pentecostal I can tell by the things you typed. You believe you’re saved by being baptized in a certain formula and speaking in tongues, you’re probably UPCI.
Acts 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
So as we can see it’s not Jimmy’s message you have a problem with, it’s Paul’s message in Acts 16:31 you have a problem with because you don’t believe that Christ paid it all, you believe that you must do various good works to be saved.
[[[ Shall be saved is defined as ” going on to be saved” IF you continue in My Word. I am trying here not to jump around all over the place scripturally, o.k.? so please bear with me.]]]
Multiple bible versions state *you will be saved* ESV, NASB, NLV, Holman etc.
[[[ the church in action” after the crucification and Jesus assending back into heaven. And Peter (the rock) was given the Keys to this Church when he preached. It is the true born again message or he was a liar. He told the people what they MUST do to be saved; this message is not being preached…………..why ? To me this is where there is true deception. To tell the masses to simply pray this prayer with them and there’s absolutely no repentence, I mean absolutely none? ]]]]
And in comes the Oneness Pentecostal Peter worship ! First off in Acts 2:38 he wasn’t speaking to gentiles he was speaking to Israel i.e Jews ! And the Jews would later be cut off and have the kingdom taken from them and it would be given to another Matthew 21:43.
Matthew 21:42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
If you read the entire chapter of Matthew 21 Jesus goes into a large speech on Israel constantly rejecting God’s messengers the prophet, then God sends his son and Israel says let’s kill him to and take his inheritance.
In Acts chapter 2 Peter preached the cross to the Jews telling them the same Jesus you crucified God made both Lord and Christ Acts 2:36 i.e. he was telling them you crucified the messiah, the same messiah that you had all been waiting for !
The Jews responded
2:37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
They were broken, they have godly sorrow which is what a sinner must have to be saved (2 Corinthians 7:10)
Israel was to repent, which means to change their mind and believe the gospel which was to put their faith on Christ and what he did at the cross !
And to drive the message home Peter had them baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
The word (for) in Acts 2:38 means because of, like a man wanted for murder, means because of murder. When they repented (which means change mind and believe) they were saved, then they were water baptized and received the holy Ghost.
However churches insist Acts 2:38 is a precise formula, but if one goes and looks at the conversion of gentiles in Acts chapter 10 it says they believed and received forgiveness of sins, then received the holy spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues and lastly was water baptized !
[[[[ How many out there are still living with their boyfriend or girlfriend, having abortions and living a homosexual lifestyle and believing “I’m saved” because I “prayed The Prayer”? ]]]]]
Not everybody that says they believe truly believe, I seen people who claim they were Christian for 10 yrs go on youtube watch a 90 second video by a Muslim saying “The bible is full of errors,Catholic church changed and added verses, Jesus is not God, nor son of God, cross is Pagan, he never died on a cross, become a Muslim.” Video ends and then someone will say I’ve been a Christian for 10 yrs and now I know I was wrong I shall be converting to Islam now ! If all it took was 90 seconds to change your mind, then there could not have possible been any faith there.
I recently read a news article of “boko haram” hacking people in Africa. They got one kid who was carrying his baby brother, they snatched the baby brother from his arms and beheaded him, then they started torturing the older brother saying deny Jesus as Lord and confess their is not God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, he refused saying I will not deny him, so they took a machete and hacked at the guys hand, again the young lad states I will not deny Jesus, so they hacked into the guys Tibia (shin) and once again he states ” I will not deny Jesus” then they started hacking the bottoms of his feet with the machete, and then the kid passed out, “boko haram” thought that the kids heart gave out and he died, but he lived, last I heard he was at a hospital alive but in a coma. Anyways, that kid was saved and had true faith, not many people are saved that attend church or jump around shouting A-men, Hallelujah, praise God, they are just copying everybody else who says it.
Robert Wilson says
Ok ok ok ok, I love Jimmy Swagert ,I love everyone, but I want to hear about Jesus, Not a man and it is sad but anytime someone disagrees with Swagert the Swagertites think you are disputing the Bible no God forbid , I like solid bible teaching and well studied and planed sprit led preaching, Not chasing rabbits and screaming and running around the platform and giving a documentary of the start and growth of a ministry, I want to hear about Jesus when you preach not how much better we are than all the rest. Hey he only see’s the blood nothing else not a beam!!!! the blood, In one of the latest books the book says (THE CROSS SAYS , I HAVE GIVEN IT, I AM GIVING IT AND I SHALL GIVE IT” ) sorry brother that is My Jesus and I will never be so simple minded as to place that piece of wooden beam in the place of my Lord I am sorry I love you but not going there , And I want to hear about the Blood, I do not want to hear your prosperity come from the cross, We need to spend more time reaching the lost, than bashing all the preachers that are not on the platform at JSM…. Please Jesus said Love your brother,,,,, Go to him and tell him his error in private, don’t blast it all over the air waves. Please thank you ,,,Ok did you know you are forgiven by the Blood , but Saved by His Resurrection!!!!!
fran whitlinger says
Forget the names and the titles. Our Master made it simple. Why can’t we? Going to the cross is forgetting our own agendas and being submissive to Our Father’s will. Do we need another teaching to keep us on track? Aren’t the gospels good? Jsm and most of the ministries have something to gain. Our Master had nothing to gain for Himself. He went to the cross for mankind. A checklist for myself in serving is it for Him alone or do I have something to benefit me.
Sandra Kerhin says
“Forget the names and titles”.
Are you referring to Name vs. titles? i.e. Jesus vs. Father, Son and Holy Ghost?
The Gospel means ” Good News” but after that came the book of Acts and the other epistles. The book of Acts means ” Church in action” and it’s extremely vital pertaining to salvation.
” something to benefit me?” Are you serious? ” Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”. You have much to lose if you don’t know the Full Gospel……..your precious soul !!! Milk is for babes, but we are to desire the sincere meat of the Word and to put on the full armour of God. Read Ephesians 6:10-18.
fran whitlinger says
Sandra. I was referring to man’s titles and the elevation that we humans through our pride want to use. ex – “the john smith ministry” and then people flock to it as the jsm. do you actually think of being in the servant role as our Master was and still be a babe?
fran whitlinger says
The Pharisees followed around after Our Master and questioned Him about a lot of His changes and He also said “the servant in not above the Master.”. don’t worry about my precious soul.
Sandra Kerhin says
Hello Fran:
Do not be afraid to use our Master’s Name, it’s Lord Jesus Christ. Master is only a title. Alla could also be referred to as The Master.
And, I’m sorry, but your soul is just one of millions that every believer should be concerned about. Seducing spirits and false doctorine’s are real and are here via television, radio and over the pulpit. People are being led away in droves and we are to “test the spirits to see weather they be of God”. For not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of God, but he who does the will of the Father.
I have made it very simple and very clear in other posts Jesus’ own words concerning salvation. When Jesus said ” It is finished” on the cross He was referring to the fact that there is no greater sacrifice for man’s sin . No more bulls and rams sacrificed on an alter. No need to pay a man to say some prayers so your sins could be removed, which no man can do anyway.
2 Timothy 2:23-26
” Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know it produces ( quarrels). And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in hope that God will grant them repentance, leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. ( NIV)
Brother Lray says
The Message of the Cross is the true gospel. If Bro. Swaggart was still living in sin, etc.the ministry wouldn’t be growing, God would not allow it. The Expositor’s Bible is in BIG demand, world wide. The devil hates the Message of the Cross. The devil is using a lot of people to destroy the gospel. JSM/SBN are the only ministry preaching the true gospel. Some of you need to go up to the alter at the worship center, need to be saved again.
fran whitlinger says
Jsm is NOT the true gospel. the scripture is. it is simple – just follow HIM; HE explained it and then showed us when HE died for us.
John says
Right, because a ministry growing always means it of God doesn’t it. His ministry was bringing in 100mil a year when he was found sinning the first time. I have no idea how he lives now but their ministry is completely self serving and decisive. The message of the cross is true, they however preach their own message, or recycled error of the past is more accurate. Just google ” the finished work doctrine” you will find it was the divisive doctrine that divided the Azuza street mission in the early days of Pentecost.
angel diaz says
It was really the Oneness doctrine that brought the division!
John J says
Actually Angel the Jesus only is a complete separate issue. It did not come about until about 1915, however the finished works vs the entire sanctification debate took place earlier, by 1911 it had divided Pentecostals on one side of the other. It originated with William Durham. Jesus only did not so much divide the Pentecostal movement as a whole, it was more of an issue within the Assemblies of God. The Church of God, Church of God in Christ and Pentecostal Holiness churches were virtually unaffected by the contevorsey.
angel diaz says
Yes, John, you are correct! It was the first issue that brought division. Thanks.
Angel says
So John, which view do you think is the Biblical view if any: Entire Sanctification or the Finished Work? Or to better state it, after Justification, how does a believer progress or grow in sanctification? What entails a believer’s sanctification?
John J says
Angel, I am more of a proponent of the Wesleyan interpretation of theology which would be “entire sanctification”, however it has at times been presented as if this experience takes place and sin is no longer an issue. I believe that presentation of the doctrine to be unbiblical, however I believe the teaching of being purified from “all sin” is biblical.
Sandra Kerhin says
Brother Lray, I want to comment on your post of April 10th: Seriously, do you really believe that the sign of God blessing any ministry is growth ? Look at the Muslims, Jehovah’s Wittnesses and Mormons, only to name a few.
Narrow is the gate, and FEW there be that find it. JSM is the only ministry preaching the true gospel ? This isn’t even worth debating; it’s scary ! The message is the DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION and they leave this out because that represents baptism, which they don’t believe, except ” it’s an outward sign of an inward work” which is not scriptural my Assembly of God friends. Water is essential as it proclaims ” washing away your sins” where the blood is applied as it was in the O.T. as a “type”. The blood had to “be applied” to the Israelites doorposts as a sign or the death angel would have killed all their firstborn children. They had to be obiedent or they would have lost their firstborn. They HAD to apply the blood themselves. We also need a washing, cleansing ; Let me give a simple example:
Mom tells Junior ” you have clean clothes on, do not go outside and get dirty”, but Jr. goes outside and gets dirty anyway. When he comes inside Mom is not happy. Jr. cries, Mom forgives him, but Jr. still needs to have his clothes washed again, right ? She doesn’t just let him sit in his dirty clothes. She washes him up and redresses him AND she’s forgiven him, but he still needs to be washed. That’s what death, burial and resurrection is: a dying to ourselves (a burial) and coming out of the water ( a resurrection). Do not let any man decieve you that you don’t need to do anything to be saved except the finished work on the cross. In Acts they were told to wait in Jersulem until they were endowed with power from on high ( the day of pentacost) and wait for the promise of the Father. And then Peter preached to the people who were asking ” what must I do to be saved” ? Peter told them the real truth, and nothing but the truth and it does make the devil angry because I’m telling you the real truth. Jesus’ blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness when the blood is applied. ” And why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized, calling on the Name of the Lord “. And then go on to live a life worthy of your calling. And, this is NOT works, it’s obedience. It’s also a free gift ” The true gift of Salvation” . Unless a man is Born Again he can’t even see the Kingdom of God. I am NOT promoting a denomination only The Church of the Living God, of which I am a part. But I will promote the truth of God’s Word.
I hope I’ve explained this simply enough so it doesn’t sound confusing.
CAROL says
I just want to say one thing; remember the thief on the cross next to Jesus? He was not water baptized yet Jesus tells him he is saved and will see him in heaven…. Please do not confuse salvation with baptism!
John wolfe says
Jesus was still under the law , jesus finished work was not done, till he rose from the dead.
joel says
Amen John wolfe
angel diaz says
John, that is a contradiction of Jesus’ words. He said, “IT IS” Finished, right before He died. He did not say, “It Will be finished.” The tense of the verb was past, a completed action. Be careful not to change the meaning!. His Resurrection was proof that the Father accepted the atoning work of the Son. The Sin Debt was paid by His Death on the Cross, not His Resurrection from the dead. “Tetelestai” – It is finished!
joel says
To angel diaz:what did the holy ghost threw Paul mean in 1 cor.15:17 when he said if CHRIST is not risen,we are yet in our sins?if it was DONE at calvary what does that verse mean?
angel diaz says
Joel, first let me tell you what that passage in Corintians 15 is not saying. It is not saying that our sins were forgiven by His Resurrection. The Bible again and again states that our sins were atoned by His Blood [death]. What Paul is saying is that if Christ is not risen, then His death did not atoned for sins, so then were are still in sins. His Resurrection is proof that His death accomplished Redemption. Romans 4:25: “Who [Jesus] was delivered for our offenses [sins], and was raised again for our justification.”
joel says
To angel diaz:understand that but why so much focus on a cross?Romans 10:9 says If I confess the Lord JESUS and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead I will b saved.nothing in that scripture bout a cross?why?
angel diaz says
Joel, the problem is that some people get hung up on only one word, “cross.” Yet Scripture uses, not only Cross, but it uses Death, Suffering, Blood, etc for the Sacrifice of God’s Son by the Father Himself in order to save those who would believe. Lets understand that our salvation is dependent on the Person and Work of Christ alone! This is what Paul meant when he told the Corinthians that he did not want to know ANYTHING ELSE, but Jesus [His Person] and Him crucified [His Work]. Let me quickly explain these two things. 1. His Person means Who Jesus really is. Anyone who believes that Jesus is less than God cannot really be saved because only God can save us. Repeatedly Scripture teaches that only God is Savior. 2. His Work means that only thru His Death God accomplished our Salvation. The word “cross” is irrelevant, so long as God died for us by the shedding of His blood. For example, He could have been nailed to a rock, and if the dame happen there that happened on Calvary, then Atonement for our sinful souls would have been accomplished. Now getting back to Romans 10. There are two things that Paul enumerates as giving someone salvation: 1. If one CONFESSES the Lord Jesus; that is to say, if one declares the same thing that the Father says about the Son: Jesus is LORD. This is referring to His Person. Jesus is Divine. He is God. And, 2. One BELIEVES that the Father RAISED Him from the DEAD. That is, that Jesus is ALIVE after His Death. This is referring to His Work of Redemption. I hope this was helpful. God bless.
joel says
To angel diaz:I understand what your saying but still JSM uses the word CROSS wayyy too much.we are supposed to tell people about a crucified RISEN saviour,not just one that’s was on a cross.Jesus is risen.he’s no longer on a cross.JSM constantly says put your faith in Christ and what he did on the cross.faith in Christ is rite but nowhere in scripture are we to put our faith in an action that was done at calvary.
Angel says
Joel, I understand what you are saying that repeatedly hearing the word “Cross” somehow sounds a bit superstitious, especially if one is not used to that word. It almost sounds a bit Catholic, but to be fair this false institution really uses the word “crucifix.” They have a dead Christ on the Cross. Yet, Scripture uses “Cross” to refer to what God did at Calvary. It is symbolic of that victory which was won over sin. We cannot get away from the Bible’s usage of “Cross.” Moreover, it’s all a matter of semantics. Whereas, someone uses the phrase, “the Cross of Christ”, another uses “the Blood of Christ” and another “the Death of Christ.” The Bible uses all three and many more. What the Bible emphasizes is that God the Father accomplished our salvation by the suffering of the Son, even His death by shedding of Blood. The Gospel according to 1Cor. 15 includes the three planks of our Faith: Christ died, was buried and rose again. Whereas the three points are equally important, one finds more emphasis on His Death than on His Burial or Resurrection. I challenge you to make note of that as you go thru Scripture. I am not straining at gnats but what is, is! When you say that it is enough to ONLY put faith in Christ Himself and Scripture does not command us to put faith in what “was done at Calvary”, I beg to differ. You cannot separate Christ and His loving action of laying down His life for us. It is part of the Gospel: one of the three planks. Thus, Christ and the Cross or Death is what one must preach along with the truth of His rising again. That is the reason Paul said, “I determined to know nothing EXCEPT Christ and Him crucified. Joel, you say we are not told to put faith in an action. Notice Paul’s prayer and desire in Philipians 3:10: “That I may know Him….” This is what you agree with: The Person of Christ. Paul wants to ever know Christ. But Paul goes on: “….and the power of His resurrection.” This is the third point of the Gospel. Yet, Paul goes on: “….and the fellowship of His sufferings.” This is the first plank. Paul finishes with “being made conformable unto His death.” You see, the Bible shows that one must trust in Christ and His loving action of His death for us. “No greater love has a man for His friends, than that He lay down His life for His friends.” Listen to Scripture: “But God forbid that I should glory, save [ONLY] in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” [Gal. 6:14]. Paul lived in relationship to Jesus as you say we must but Paul was cognizant of the fact “of the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me” [Gal. 2:20]. “Gave Himself for me” speaks of the ACTION of Calvary.
Angel says
Joel, I understand what you are saying that repeatedly hearing the word “Cross” somehow sounds a bit superstitious, especially if one is not used to that word. It almost sounds a bit Catholic, but to be fair this false institution really uses the word “crucifix.” They have a dead Christ on the Cross. Yet, Scripture uses “Cross” to refer to what God did at Calvary. It is symbolic of that victory which was won over sin. We cannot get away from the Bible’s usage of “Cross.” Moreover, it’s all a matter of semantics. Whereas, someone uses the phrase, “the Cross of Christ”, another uses “the Blood of Christ” and another “the Death of Christ.” The Bible uses all three and many more. What the Bible emphasizes is that God the Father accomplished our salvation by the suffering of the Son, even His death by shedding of Blood. The Gospel according to 1Cor. 15 includes the three planks of our Faith: Christ died, was buried and rose again. Whereas the three points are equally important, one finds more emphasis on His Death than on His Burial or Resurrection. I challenge you to make note of that as you go thru Scripture. I am not straining at gnats but what is, is! When you say that it is enough to ONLY put faith in Christ Himself and Scripture does not command us to put faith in what “was done at Calvary”, I beg to differ. You cannot separate Christ and His loving action of laying down His life for us. It is part of the Gospel: one of the three planks. Thus, Christ and the Cross or Death is what one must preach along with the truth of His rising again. That is the reason Paul said, “I determined to know nothing EXCEPT Christ and Him crucified. Joel, you say we are not told to put faith in an action. Notice Paul’s prayer and desire in Philipians 3:10: “That I may know Him….” This is what you agree with: The Person of Christ. Paul wants to ever know Christ. But Paul goes on: “….and the power of His resurrection.” This is the third point of the Gospel. Yet, Paul goes on: “….and the fellowship of His sufferings.” This is the first plank. Paul finishes with “being made conformable unto His death.” You see, the Bible shows that one must trust in Christ and His loving action of His death for us. “No greater love has a man for His friends, than that He lay down His life for His friends.” Listen to Scripture: “But God forbid that I should glory, save [ONLY] in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” [Gal. 6:14]. Paul lived in relationship to Jesus as you say we must but Paul was cognizant of the fact “of the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me” [Gal. 2:20]. “Gave Himself for me” speaks of the ACTION of Calvary.
joP says
Wrong. His last words from the CROSS were “IT IS FINISHED”. The law was fulfilled on the cross.
truebeliever says
The correct wording of the scripture you are referring to in Acts 2:37 is as followed:
the “to be saved” is not in the Bible. They already believed. They were PRICKED in their heart. they wanted to know, now that they were believers of Jesus, what to do.
Churches and preachers have added the “to be saved” part.
John wolfe says
What did Peter mean in acts 2:38 he said repent that’s salvation,
Sandra Kerhin says
What makes anyone think that just because a particular denomination has many members it’s got to be o.k. and God must be blessing it ? We are in the last days; read very carefully what scripture says about being deceived. ” If it were possible even the very elect will be deceived”. And ” heaping to themselves teachers with itching ears, tell us smooth things”. There’s plenty of comedian preachers out there, storytellers too. But they are all missing the mark! JSM doesn’t even believe you need to be baptized! (but they all were anyway?) They don’t even understand the true Born Again experience. Does anybody ever read Acts 2:38 anymore? Just say the sinners prayer and bingo I’m born again. Yes, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is essential, but it’s only in part, and this isn’t works folks, it’s obedience to God’s Word. Peter COMMANDED them to be baptized also. They are not teaching the full gospel, and it’s so simple.Repent, be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and then go on and don’t stop. Run the race and pray, pray, and pray some more for discernment. I don’t want to seem harsh, but I exhort you to be as wise as a serpent and mild as a dove. Some wrestle the scriptures to their own destruction. Pray for these ministers because they will have to give an account of the millions who THINK they’re saved.
betty sosh says
Sandra you sumed it all up perfect,And when you accept Christ in your life and be baptized the holy ghost comes in then and you don”t have to speak in tounges to be saved that is a gift.And if you want to go by the crowds look at the Catolics huge org, but that dont make them right if people are just listen to them instead of backing it up with the KJ bible they will see there foughts they read maybe 3 or 4 scriptiors and then rest is story telling,and they idolize Jimmy I believe you can be forgiven of your sin but I dont think he needs to be preaching,poor Gabe is more in the word then all 3 of the old ones but he will be just like them before to long I pray for them
fran whitlinger says
– John the Baptist said. (referring to OUR master) “He must increase and we must decrease” and sadly it is all of the teachings of mr. swaggart. HE PROMOTES himself. YAHUSHUA CAME TO DO THE WILL OF our FATHER AND IT LED HIM TO THE CROSS. HE didn’t want the suffering that the cross was going to entail but HE PRAYED “not MY WILL BUT YOURS BE DONE.” As His followers, our lives should be the same. maybe some of us are NOT his followers but are following false teaching. we don’t realize we have left the teaching that our Master gave. in some of us the TRUTH may have fallen on rocky soil or among weeds. Our Teacher talks about ears a lot-some are not able to hear. the purpose of this site is to alert its readers to the apostasy that abounds in these end days. check out 2TIM 3; 1-5 do you have any of these characteristics and the last line says “AVOID these people” AND YET WE SIT GLUED TO OUR TVS TAKING IN THIS FALSE TEACHING. if there is a mixture, get away from it. only the scripture is TRUTH.
can you hear what the SPIRIT is saying to the churches? maybe your ears are clogged with false teaching. But ONLY THE SPIRIT OF GOD CAN REVEAL IT TO YOU. walk by the SPIRIT not by the flesh. OUR FATHER IS NOT PLEASED WITH OUR FLESH. PRAY TO BE ABLE TO WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH; your life may take on another dimension of HIS presence but what do you want? HIM or religion?
Sandra Kerhin says
Fran, I don’t know if you’re responding to my post or another’s post ? But I do want to comment on your very last sentence……do you want Him or religion?
Christanity IS a religion: James 1:27 says : Pure RELIGION and undefilied in the sight of God is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained.
I apologize because your comments seem rather ” garbled” up and I cannot follow your train of thought. I do worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, and He always gives me something fresh to search the scriptures daily. I pray for clarity in your message too. I’m sure whatever you were trying to say was said in a Spirit of Love, right ?
fran whitlinger says
No … religion is man made teaching … a relationship with our Father is personal with each one of us or it should be. This site is called “deception bytes” and is for a definite purpose …. it is to expose false teaching …
My message is not garbled. You just can’t hear. Like the Pharisees. They were critical of Yashusha, The Son of Elohim ..The Most High God. You have been critical of me and have the need to pick at what I have written. I believe our Master called the Pharisees “a brood of vipers”. I have not written anything out of His teachings. Love…He showed them love by speaking Truth to them.
Sandra Kerhin says
Wow Fran, I repent for ever having visited this site. I cannot believe how selfrighteous you are and cannot even see it. I believe in contending for the faith, but these comments are what satan and the world laugh at; Christians haggling and yes, devouring one another. God bless and help you.
Mishel says
bhwhahhahaha don’t repent of having visited my site. You are welcome here.
fran whitlinger says
Father, forgive her as she doesn’t know what she is doing
John wolfe says
Jesus is the man christ Jesus also the doctrine of christ.
fran whitlinger says
It requires strong faith to establish a website and take a stand against false teaching. Only someone being guided can do it. How I would have loved to know that I was NOT off when I sensed that the ministry I was involved in had LEFT the scripture and was not following Yahusha.
When Yahuha said “follow Me” ….. it has not changed for us. He did not come to bring peace but a sword and that was and always will be His Word. When He speaks, it happens.
Of only we humans had grasped that and not established our own way of salvation.
The broad way leads to destruction….the narrow way leads to life….”following Him is the narrow way”
As I stated, it takes a strong faith to operate “deception bytes” …the owner has to walk it out in quietness and confidence. Her strength comes from knowing. Is. 30:15
Mishel says
Fran: I am sorry, but I do not have a clue what “message” you are trying to get across either. I can not make heads or tails of what you are talking about or how it relates to my site. I most certainly can not ascertain why you are upset with the poster named Sandra. I must be missing something, I consider myself fairly intelligent but I can not make sense of your posts. You stated the following; “As I stated, it takes a strong faith to operate “deception bytes” …the owner has to walk it out in quietness and confidence. Her strength comes from knowing. Is. 30:15”
This makes me very nervous for a variety of reasons. First there is a level of familiarity there that concerns me as I do not know you. I would prefer you NOT take anything that I say on this site for granted and check it out by verifying my facts with other sources. This is the only wise and SAFE thing to do. Any teaching I offer should be checked out in relationship to scripture. Do not “assume” that I have a strong faith- that is how people get deceived. I am not saying that I do not, what I am saying is that unless you know me and can see my walk day by day, there is no way of making that absolute assertion. That is why JSM followers are deceived! They “assume” that Jimmy is telling them the truth and has a strong faith. PLEASE DO NOT EVER DO THAT HERE. I want people to check out EVERYTHING I say for their own safety. If I can get ANY message across on this site, it is that!
Tony says
I am a minister of the gospel that struggled with lust for 10 years. I backslide about 8 to 12 times in these 10 years. If I would have died in a backslidden state I would have gone to hell. My mother bought me a Jimmy Swaggart expositors study bible to help me. I rebuked her telling her that after Jimmy Swaggart disgraced the body of Christ in the 1980’s, what could he possibly teach me? I sat the bible down for a year and a half and would not read it. One night I popped it open to Romans ch. 7 and read Mr. Swaggarts commentary. I was instantly delivered from that spirit of lust and I have had the victory over it ever since. The message of the cross is what thus saith the Holy Ghost to the churches in the last days. Jesus Christ is the source, the cross is the means. Thank you Jimmy Swaggart, if it wasn’t for your ministry I would probably be in hell today. The Jimmy Swaggart expositors study bible will help people if they give it a chance. The apostle: Tony
Mishel says
Well, “apostle” Tony, it was NOT Jimmy Swaggart’s Bible that delivered you. If indeed you were delivered, it was through the Word of God and the deliverance came from HIM not Jimmy Swaggart. God using someone or something does NOT imply his explicit approval of them or it. I can think of several examples in scripture, one being Balaam’s ass.
John Galyon says
John wolfe says
It was not jimmies bible but Jesus Christ that set you free
John says
I have to say as a non biased 3rd party your post don’t make much sense. I agree with you saying we should stand on Gods word, however your post do seem to fit any context of what’s being discussed.
John says
I meant your post do not fit the context… Sorry for the typo
Mishel says
John: I have deleted “Fran’s” last posts to you and blocked her IP address. Her replies were hostile and carried an elitist mentality that I do not have much grace for. Additionally, she was continually redirecting and causing confusion.
fran whitlinger says
Michel, your grace is not important. Just the Father’s is important.
Brother Lray says
Those of you who hate the Message of the Cross, you are doing the work of the devil. You can not show proof that the Message of the Cross is wrong. You can not show proof that Bro. Jimmy Swaggart is wrong. What proof does anyone have about any wrong doing? Someone needs to show proof or shut-up. All I see is nothing but pure hate. Someone needs to repent before it’s too late. What makes some of you think you can stop God and the Message of the Cross? I am sure the Swaggart’s do not read your trash. May God have mercy on you souls.
John says
Brother Larry,
I can’t speak for all but the fact that I oppose “the message of the cross” as Jimmy Swaggart presents it does not mean that I am an enemy of the cross. In fact Paul said that an enemy of the cross was one that labored in the gospel for his own carnal desires ” his god is his belly”. This described then as now that these preachers sought their own kingdom and desired to draw men to themselves. You really can hear all of the self serving promotion that JSM does?
As Far as proof I can not change you doctrinal understanding of the cross by arguing with you but I can give you some information and you can do with what you want. Jimmy is claiming that the church as a whole has not understood grace properly until his revelation in 1997. He claims all churches be it baptist, Methodist, church of God, Assemblies of God ect ect, have taught sanctification by works. That in itself is a complete error. I hope it is an error of ignorance and not deception. I urge you to see what John Wesley the founder of the Methodist church wrote concerning sanctification. He said it was a work of Grace received by faith. The church of God had basically the same doctrine of sanctification as the Methodist church. The Assemblies of God which Brother swaggart grew up in was always more baptistic than the church of God or say the church of god in Christ. This revelation of the cross that Jimmy claims to be lost to the church since the time of Paul is a recycled version of ” the finished work doctrine”. This was touted by William Durham. This doctrine divided the Azusa street mission and gained a following in the early days of The American Pentecostal movement. The Wesleyan Holiness groups rejected it those include but are not limited to Church of God, Church of God in Christ and Pentecostal Holiness church. The Assemblies of God were much more accepting of the doctrine even though there was many in that camp who also viewed it as problematic. Eventually it kind of Lost steam but it’s residue has never left some circles of Pentecostal believers. Jimmy would have most likely heard this growing up m the AG in the 1940s. Yet today he says it is a new Revelation that was never prevalent in the church until his proclamation of it. A quick google of the finished work doctrine will prove this to be erroneous. Do with it what you will but e fact that he is so misleading in his presentation should at least raise some flags for you and if it does not then that’s up to you. I can not say definitively that Jimmy is purposely misleading people but I can say he is definitely spoon feeding information to a his audience that is completely untrue
John wolfe says
My faith is not in the cross my faith is in the one who hung on the cross and shed his blood,
If we are not careful we can make an idol of things in the bible and our eyes will come off of Jesus Christ
The one the whole bible speakers of its all about Jesus and his finished work ,
It Jesus Christ plus nothing
Norma says
Could it be that J S came. Up with his message of the Cross to say that his affairs came about because he did not understand the TRUE message of the Cross and now he can not sin?Now he has understanding.I am using a 7 inch tablet and the keyboard is so small.Please excuse.God bless
John says
It seems he does blame his past sin on his lack of revelation. So while I can’t say what he received or didn’t receive it seems he has not come to a place of accountability because he writes off his issues as a lack of understanding the cross
joel says
I believe so.
Daniel says
I have been attending a christian church and all the pastor wants to preach about is the cross and the power of the cross and how, if we believe in the cross then we are over comers of all sin. I recently discovered that this teaching is from Pastor Swaggart. I was brought up in a Pentecostal church and learned through scripture that JESUS saves, that the demons fear the name of Jesus, through Jesus we are over comers of sin. None of these things are conquered through the cross. The cross was the instrument only and has no power. Jesus died and resurrected. The cross only represents what he did for us. The Swaggart teaching is telling us that we only need to trust in the cross instead of JESUS himself. The new teaching is telling us it really isn’t necessary to pray, fast, read the word, witness, do God’s work and is telling us merely to trust in the cross and you will overcome sin. Pastor Swaggart thought of this to have an excuse for why he couldn’t over come his own sins. What a perfect excuse. What did he believe for the last 37 years? The bible says we must die daily to our sins. That means everyday we wake up, we pray, fast, read the word, sing songs and think on good things. When I do those things unto Christ I am an overcomer! It is true, if you don’t do things in the right spirit and for the right reasons they can become works but when you do them in the right spirit they are worship and accepted by GOD. The Swaggart message of the cross is a false one. Beware! God Bless All.
joel says
Amen daniel.
Theodore Weaver says
Jimmy Swaggart was and is a Satanist. Swaggart’s god is his belly (and just a bit below the belly as well). Yet he did surround himself with good teachers of Pentacostalism because he was part of a goal to reach conservative Pentacostals for the sake of a higher goal – the New World Order. His flesh was always in control, and the pulpit was his “act”. What Swaggart said and did and SANG on stage were never his real life – too many testimonies prove that and the Lord tells us that this evidence is to be considered VALID evidence -“In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” 2 Cor. 13:1).
Jimmy was smart and always surrounded himself with at least one true Pentacostal and drew his ideas from those individuals (eg. A.M. Trotter, David Wilkerson). Jimmy studied his role and got it down to a “T” – I do give him credit for that. But after Jimmy admitted that his crusade “act” also included a 28 year prostitute habit at the same time, Jimmy had to come up with a BIG excuse. No doubt, he got some help on that one. And what a brilliant idea he chose – an esoteric “idea”. It’s a concept you “get” – it’s not the Person of Jesus Whom you fall in love with.
Paul never preached “the message of the cross”. He preached Jesus and what Jesus’ death ushered in through a new covenant with new requirements. He preached the PERSON of Jesus, the shed BLOOD of Jesus, and reiterated the COMMANDMENTS of Jesus. Paul in no way practiced the censorship that Swaggart does, as he excludes all that Jesus taught and all that Jesus commanded, to merely chant “the cross, the cross”, through manufactured tears and a faltering voice.
Paul’s preaching touched every aspect of life, from family living, to purity, to how you treat the poor, to purging out sin in the camp.
Paul ALWAYS preached about love. Jimmy Swaggart NEVER preaches about love.
For sure, Paul would never want his name to be associated with Jimmy Swaggart. If you truly want to see the personal presence of Jesus manifest in your life in all that you do, then you would never want your name associated with Jimmy Swaggart either.
Angel says
To Theodore Weaver: I am not here to defend any man or ministry as JS but I want to warn you to judge that which you really know and do not condemn anyone or anything in a blink of an eye for it can come right back at you. Speak that which you know and not whims and wind! For you to call someone a Satanist, then you must know something most of us don’t know!
James says
How many naysayers have gotten on your knees before GOD and asked Him if the Message of the Cross as taught by Bro. Swaggart is scriptural? If you haven’t done this then ask yourself why not? Do you want to take a chance at opposing GOD? Do it now!
Forrest says
dean says
I have done this and await in God’s timing what is the truth regarding brother swaggart. I really love his music. It feels anointed.
Regina Williams says
I believe every word of this interview. I attended the church back in 2009 and 2010. I could sense that something wasn’t right. The best move I made was out of there. They are not taught but programmed. The lady I worked with that went there had no love and was very ignorant of the things of the Holy Spirit and limited knowledge of the Bible.
Doris says
What JIMMY SWAGGART preaches is correct. I receive it and I don’t have a problem with it. He is not teaching something new. He is teaching what has been lost in the body of Christ. More important is that he emphasizes in our sanctification.
And to me, it makes so much sense what he says. he is so anointed and I am planning to join their university online. That’s will be awesome!.
Kelly Broderick says
Does it really matter? What do you feel in your heart? If God through his son Jesus Christ is in your heart you have your answer. I am so looking towards the Rapture of Christ return to earth. I want out of this horrific world I now find myself in. I will be alive to see his glorious return…………….Kelly.
Forrest says
Jsm. Does preach the truth. I have been led astray before. We will be the salt of the earth!
The truth hurts, let’s get real about it.you all are just sorry that God didn’t use you the way he has this ministry. And if you are preaching the message of the Cross then preach it the way God is directing you to preach it and don’t worry about how Jimmy’s ministry is preaching it. I don’t worship the man or his church but I do believe what God has given him to preach.
Oh, and by the way I don’t see any other ministry going out on the limb like he is to reach the masses, you all need to be praising your Savior that someone is willing to believe God for such a great work such as what they are doing
God bless them and you too.
Angel Diaz says
This site is cursed. There is no true spiritual discernment, only empty, pompous words. Judge righteous judgment. Examine yourselves whether you are in the faith. “Deception bytes” will not rise again, no matter how much you try. Mischel, Sandra Kerhin and John since you have set yourselves up as teachers, you will receive the greater condemnation. Every word you’ve spoken in the flesh you will give account to your Lord. But our Father is merciful to His true children.
Keith says
Mr. Swaggart’s preaching is commensurate with his wealth. He will say anything as long as the money faucet keeps on pouring. Why don’t people see that? His jet plane,his fleet of cars, and his real estate tell it all. His slip up in the 1980s testify of his hypocrisy. Come on people, wake up and do read your Bible to see the flaws. Archaeology and comparative study of historical facts have shown that all of the Old Testament from Adam up to and including king Solomon is pure mythology. Your library will assist you in finding the books that will confirm my statement. These authors of these books are supported by hard evidence.
Paul says
Many dont understand why there is a cross to begin with. The cross was in Paul’s terms a picture of shame, hoplessness and despair. Jesus used the cross to do exactly that to sin. Its a physical picture of how sin looks feels like within us when we sin and all the cross does is reminds us that Jesus has punished sin, past present and future. The cross has not the power to save but its constant reminder that its finished. But paul said that just because we’re free from the power of doesn’t mean we can partake of sin and then be forgiven. Paul said himself that were are to preach Christ and him crucified. U cant preach salvation with understanding cross and u cant teach how to live in sanctification without knowing that each must bear his own cross. We preach christ crucified not by choice or for convenience or to get popularity but because we do this in remembrance of Christ. Yes christ is surely alive no doubt. But think bout this…. that was supposed to have been you and on that cross and not Jesus. But traded His righteousness for all our sins that we may walk in the liberty which now live…. i found that its not something new that God reveals… He just reveals what we missed and at the time just didnt quite understand. God bless all of u.
Elder Debra Williams says
It is better to believe truth than a lie, instead of criticizing God sent preachers, we need to pray for them, Paul wrote in first Timothy 4, that the spirit expressly speaks that in the latter days some would depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils, that’s why we have the Holy Spirit, it will guide you into all truths, Jimmy Swaggart speaks against sin, in today’s world like the emergent churches set up by Rick Warren, Joseph Prince and Joel Olsteen who does not even mention sin, according to those preachers Jesus already died for sin, so continue in your sin, they are sending a false message, I suggest you who speak against righteous ministers, go in prayer for yourselves, make sure it is the Holy spirit guiding you, I agree with Jimmy Swaggart he is speaking the truth, I’d rather listen to truth for my soul, then listen to a lie and live any kind of way and die and go to Hell, think before you criticize!
joel says
To angel diaz:Hebrews 12:2-looking unto JESUS the author and finisher of my faith.not to a cross or what was done on a cross.we are to look constantly to Jesus Christ,not to his life,death,burial or resurrection or second coming.we obviously acknowledge those things but we are not to put or faith in those actions,only the person of the crucified resurrected Jesus Christ.it’s all about him,him,him and noTHING ELSE.
Angel says
Joel my friend, Hebrews 12: 2 does say, “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.” But if you finish the complete verse it does say to acknowledge the action of Jesus, the Work of the Cross. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” You say: “we are to look constantly to Jesus Christ, not to his life, death, burial or resurrection or second coming…. we are not to put our faith in those actions.” Let us reason….If you don’t put faith in those things, then you are not believing the Gospel because it was these points in 1Cor. 15 that Paul says that consisted of the Gospel and he is giving them as he received them, and which they must STAND ON; that is, continue to believe.
“1Co 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”
Notice the following three verses: the first one is a very familiar one.
1. Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Take note that the Gospel is the Power of God. Then, it says in 1Cor. 1:18…..
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
He says that the “word [logos] of the cross is the Power of God. Thus, the Gospel in a nutshell is the Message of the Cross. Paul nails it down with the following:
1Co 1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
Thus, “Preaching the Gospel” is “preaching the Cross of Christ.”
Angel says
Joel my friend, Hebrews 12: 2 does say, “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.” But if you finish the complete verse it does say to acknowledge the action of Jesus, the Work of the Cross. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” You say: “we are to look constantly to Jesus Christ, not to his life, death, burial or resurrection or second coming…. we are not to put our faith in those actions.” Let us reason….If you don’t put faith in those things, then you are not believing the Gospel because it was these points in 1Cor. 15 that Paul says that consisted of the Gospel and he is giving them as he received them, and which they must STAND ON; that is, continue to believe.
“1Co 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”
Notice the following three verses: the first one is a very familiar one.
1. Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Take note that the Gospel is the Power of God. Then, it says in 1Cor. 1:18…..
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
He says that the “word [logos] of the cross is the Power of God. Thus, the Gospel in a nutshell is the Message of the Cross. Paul nails it down with the following:
1Co 1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
Thus, “Preaching the Gospel” is “preaching the Cross of Christ.”
BK says
My problem with Jimmy,Frances,Donnie,etc,is they are too judgemental.
As I have mentioned in previous post,I love Country music.And I am a Christian.But,because I love Country music,Jimmy judges me,and many other Christians.And,the bible clearly says”Judge Not Lest Ye be judged”.Yet,that’s just what the Swaggarts are doing when they say your not a Christian if you love Country Music,go to a different church other than Pentecostal,etc.
There are good Penetcostal’s,and bad Pentecosatls.Good Baptist,bad Baptist,.Good Catholic’s,bad Catholics.In other words,my point on that is:There are good and bad in every denomination.But God will judge them.He is the judge.We are not the judge,and the Swaggarts are not the judge either.
As for you supporters of the Swaggarts,you have every right to support them and watch them if you choose too.This is a free country,and it’s your TV.I respect your right to watch him.But I choose not to watch or support them.I don’t wish any of them any harm,I just choose not to watch them or give any money to them.I wish them the best.But,those of you who choose to do this,that is your right,and I respect that.
Also,has I said earlier,I have forgiven the Swaggarts,and have given them to God.He will take care of this situation.I believe that.
K Frey says
Just because we disagree with a ministry or person does not mean you are slandering or being hateful. As for the comment that Joseph Prince and others do not mention sin, you are so wrong. Quit listening to what others say and listen for yourself. He once said, If you sin YOU ARE STUPID. The grace message, or most of it, is not telling you to live how you want to live but because of God’s love for us we are not bound by sin and can be free of it and totally forgiven. I was stuck on a merry go round for years trying to stop the destructive behaviors that I simply could not conquer. This message set me free and I now I want to please my Heavenly Father above anything. I do not want to live like the prodigal son but to live with my glorious and gracious Father and I now know that it is not that hard. The Word says that it is the GOODNESS of God that brings people to repentance, not constantly berating and telling you how sinful you are. The prodigal’s father, a type of our heavenly Father, welcomed his wayward son with open arms. Now, as for the message of the cross. I have been on a quest to discover the Kingdom of God. John the baptist, Jesus, the disciples all talked about the kingdom. When Jesus was resurrected he did not give a discourse on the cross for 40 days (the cross was a means to propagate the kingdom and allow each of us access to the Father not just priests) but he talked to His disciples about the kingdom. It is about the Kingdom, period. As a kingdom citizen, we have our King (Jesus) who has bestowed on us many benefits and given us the use of His Name as our badge of authority. We have our place in the kingdom and things are required of us and thanks be to God we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us who props us up and shows us how to live our lives, along with the word of God. We are to live vibrant lives and share the Kingdom (good news) with others, which our country definitely needs at this point in time. Let us stop castigating others for their flawed thinking, at least Jesus is being preached. The bible says that the world will know us by our LOVE of the brethren… Not hearing the love message at all.by some …….
EM says
Still wondering why they occasionally wear black wrist bands on their right wrist . Is this a Kabbalah bracelet? In reference to Donnie and Gabe. One thing is for sure, it will be given a totally different meaning when they know you know.